- Creating a Human Resources Department There’s an old joke in business that every business owner who has hired anyone just once suddenly recognizes the need for a Human Resources Department.
- Large Gap in CEO Pay Despite increasing public scrutiny of exorbitant CEO salaries, 2007 saw an increase in CEO pay at S&P 500 companies.
- Firms Pay More for External CEOs Chief executives hired outside a company are paid significantly more than chief executives hired in-house, according to a new study.
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The unfortunate reality of when the government behaves irrationally and with inarguable overwhelmingly negative results, is that it invites endless speculation about the possible reasons why.
Welcome to CEO Watch, where we take stock of the business world's major players, while providing weekly news roundups from the world of Wall Street. Here we profile the CEOs and their firms – those reinventing their companies amid bleak economic times and those unlikely to recover from historic losses. We tally Corporate America's wins and losses while providing insight into the capitalism's insiders. We mean business.